Article in Elektroniktidningen about our role in the WBG pilot line

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In short, this is about three universities, three materials with wide bandgaps. Gallium nitride, gallium oxide and aluminium nitride will be the focus of Lund, Chalmers and Linköping within the EU’s fourth pilot line.
The materials have a wider band gap than silicon carbide but are not as mature.
“The three of us have worked together for a long time in Vinnova’s competence centre C3NiT. That’s why we were invited to join. The collaboration is unique because it covers everything from materials to systems,” says Professor Vanya Darakchieva, chair of C3NiT.
Lund is officially responsible for WP6, the entire Swedish part of the EU’s fourth pilot line within the EU research programme Chips Joint Undertaking which also includes KTH’s part that focuses on silicon carbide.
“The three of us will be responsible for epitaxy on gallium nitride, gallium oxide and aluminium nitride but also for manufacturing some components.
“Lund is in a good position because we have received a substantial amount of money for equipment for wide bandgap materials over a long time,” says Vanya Darakchieva.
Among the donors are the Olle Engkvist Foundation and the Wallenberg Foundations. A small part of the funding will go towards upgrading the cleanroom in Lund with machines dedicated to the pilot line. These include a direct laser writer and a probe station for higher powers. A new MOCVD machine is also needed to perform epitaxy on four-inch gallium oxide discs.