D-band HEMTs and MMICs
This project explores the ultimate frequency of operation for III-nitride HEMTs. The goal is to demonstrate device performance allowing for power amplification in the D-band (110-170 GHz). HEMTs with an fmax exceeding 250 GHz and an output power capability of more than 0.4W/mm at 150 GHz are required to achieve this goal with reasonable MMIC designs.
Project leader: Anna Malmros (Gotmic)
Partners: Chalmers, LiU, LU, Gotmic, Ericsson, UMS, SweGaN

Linear and E/W-band HEMTs and MMICs
This project explores the potential of GaN HEMTs for high linearity and/or power application at E- (60-90 GHz) and W-band (75 to 110 GHz). HEMTs with an fmax exceeding 200 GHz and an output power capability approaching 1W/mm at 90 GHz are required to achieve this goal with reasonable MMIC designs.
Project leader: Mattias Thorsell (Saab)
Partners: LiU, Chalmers, LU, Ericsson, Saab, UMS, SweGaN

High voltage HEMTs and circuits for power and microwave applications
In this project we explore the potential of high voltage GaN HEMTs with application within both power and high frequency electronics. For power application, the goal is to develop HEMTs with breakdown voltage exceeding 1 kV and on-resistance below 10 ??mm. A special effort will be on high frequency power HEMTs allowing for power switching up to 100 MHz at voltages up to 400 V. For generation of very high output power level at microwave frequency (up to S-band, 2-4 GHz), HEMTs with a breakdown voltage above 200 V and gate lengths below 0.5 um.
Project leader: Niklas Rorsman (Chalmers)
Partners: Chalmers, LiU, LU, Volvo Cars, Saab, SweGaN, UMS, Hitachi Energy

Vertical devices for power application
To demonstrate vertical GaN technology suitable for switches usable in power electronics. We will fabricate vertical diodes (JBS/PIN) and Field Effect Transistors, in fully vertical and quasi-vertical geometries. Breakdown voltages at BV=650 and BV=1200V will be targeted, with Ron approaching the GaN limit, as the ultimate goal. Vertical scaling, as compared with Si and SiC will improve switching performance. Paths towards BV=3300V devices will also be identified. Interactions with project 1-3 will be on device technology, with 5 on technology application and 6 on novel epitaxial methods.
Project leader: Erik Lind (LU) and Muhammad Nawaz (HER)
Partners: LU, LiU, Chalmers, HER, Epiluvac, Hexagem, Volvo Cars

Propulsion/Charger/Converter/Switching applications
The main aim of this project is to investigate how automotive industry utilizes new wide bandgap (WBG) and ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) power transistor technology for enabling high efficiency at low cost. We aim at building an understanding of the potential and limitations of GaN and Gallium Oxide technology and how these devices could be implemented in future vehicle platforms, i.e., in DC/DC and AC/DC converters. The project will give new insight on how GaN or Gallium Oxide could be optimized towards such applications. Another important goal is to investigate optimized packaging and integration of GaN/WBG chips for high power vehicle applications, such as traction inverters.
Project leader: Kooros Moabber (Volvo Cars)
Partners: LU, Chalmers, LiU, Hitachi Energy, Volvo Cars, Epiluvac, Hexagem, SweGaN

Advanced epitaxial concepts for cost reduction and high performance
The main aim of this project is to explore advanced epitaxial approaches and concepts that may enable substantial cost reduction of material technology while preserving high performance requirements defined by projects 1 to 4.
Project leader: Vanya Darakchieva (LU and LiU) and Nerijus Armakavicius (LiU)
Partners: LU, LiU, Chalmers, Epiluvac, Hexagem, SweGaN